The Wangs
HD video | 40min | 2016

Official Selection
2017 Tales of Our Time, Guggenheim Museum, New York The World Wang Clan Association was about to have its 12th convention in Nov 2015 in Chongqing, China. As the most common surname in ethnic Chinese all over the world, it was estimated to comprise around 15% of the population in Mainland China. The clan identity thus has become difficult to define due to its universality. This documentary followed the 12th World Wang Clan Convention, trying to observe how such kind of community was perceived and imagined, while how meanings were generated out of meaninglessness. Camera
Bo Wang Camera Assistant
Zhang Hanshu Editing
Zhangbolong Liu
Bo Wang Graphic Design
Helen Zhai

Official Selection
2017 Tales of Our Time, Guggenheim Museum, New York The World Wang Clan Association was about to have its 12th convention in Nov 2015 in Chongqing, China. As the most common surname in ethnic Chinese all over the world, it was estimated to comprise around 15% of the population in Mainland China. The clan identity thus has become difficult to define due to its universality. This documentary followed the 12th World Wang Clan Convention, trying to observe how such kind of community was perceived and imagined, while how meanings were generated out of meaninglessness. Camera
Bo Wang Camera Assistant
Zhang Hanshu Editing
Zhangbolong Liu
Bo Wang Graphic Design
Helen Zhai